


페이지 정보

작성자 Erin 작성일25-03-08 09:36 조회9회 댓글0건


Sactosalpinx is a gynecological condition characterized by means of the mass of fluid in the lumen of the fallopian tube, primary to a disregarding of its patency. It is most of all diagnosed in patients below 30 years of time eon and continually acts as a root of infertility. Fashion, according to statistics, sactosalpinx is inaugurate in 7-28% of women who cannot after pregnant. The pathology virtually each occurs as a dilemma of another gynecological malady, at the start of an infectious and rabid nature.

Causes of sactosalpinx
Growth of serous fluid in the fallopian tubes occurs in the companionship of obstacles that restrain its stable outflow. These may incorporate:

Adhesions caused through chronic redness (salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis), sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, и так далее), as comfortably as rightful to invasive diagnostic manipulations and surgical interventions on the genitals.
Endometriosis. Endometriotic growths clog the lumen of the fallopian tube and genesis increased production of mucous secretions. Along with this, from spell to tempo, rejected tissues and blood may inscribe the lumen of the fallopian tube.
Evil neoplasms of the fallopian tube or uterus. The discharge into the uterine gap may be blocked rightful to the growth of the neoplasm. In some cases, the tumor organize is aggravated at hand increased moulding of tubal secretions.
Factors that bourgeon the distinct possibility of developing sactosalpinx embody:

casual erotic contacts, indecent sexual intercourse moving spirit;
slight of barrier contraceptives;
miserable true labor.
Symptoms. sactosalpinx
The clinical picture of sactosalpinx depends on the characteristics of the pathological process. The fierce form of the complaint is almost never diagnosed. Its property signs are elevated body temperature and smarting syndrome. The temperature can be nurtured to sundry levels, depending on the genre of the exudate:

with a serous inflaming process, subfebrile numbers are observed (no more than 38 degrees);
with serous-purulent inflammation - in the range from 38 to 39 degrees;
with a purulent incendiary approach -39 degrees and more.
Pain in sharp sactosalpinx occurs in the groin area and is characterized as pulsating. The non-specific brainwash of the woman suffers, the patient notes malaise, increased languor, weakness, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating. The inflexibility of clinical symptoms depends on the almost imperceptibly a rather of intensity of the inflammation.

Hardened sactosalpinx regularly occurs without any symptoms. Over, the only hint that allows one to suppose the definitely of the ailment is female infertility. With a meritorious pile of fluid contents, a missus may note twinge in the cut abdomen, a view of heaviness and distension. In cases where the maturing of the illness is associated with an adhesive process, the patient may feel chronic pelvic headache, which intensifies with hypothermia, active concrete activity and earthy intercourse. When the inflammatory development spreads to ovarian web, a violating of the menstrual series may be observed.

Treatment methods as sactosalpinx
The creme de la creme of treatment tactics is unwavering in each action individually and depends on the clinical aspect of sactosalpinx, the effect that provoked the maturity of the pathological process, the organization and size of the cystic formation, the constant's age and the non-existence or presence of reproductive plans.

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